The Women's Health Study:
Going Strong for 20+ Years!
The Women’s Health Study was designed as a randomized trial of low-dose aspirin and vitamin E supplementation for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer in initially healthy women. The trial included 39,876 female health professionals aged 45 years and older who were followed for an average of 10 years. (For the results of the trial, see our Fall 2005 newsletter.) Although the randomized trial has ended, the WHS has evolved into one of the largest and longest-running observational studies of women’s health in the United States, thanks to the ongoing commitment of its participants. Participants are asked to provide updated health history and risk factor information each year. The follow-up mailings usually begin in May. Participants who report specific outcomes on their annual questionnaires are asked to sign a medical release form and physician/hospital records are obtained in order to validate the self-reports
Current observational follow-up questionnaire
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